Wednesday, February 13, 2008

About our family

I thought I would start this blog so family and friends. A friend thought I needed to start one, so she could see how things in our lives have been going, so here we go!!

I will start with our little boy. He isn't so little anymore.

Ryan James:
Ryan will be 2 in a couple of months and the terrible two's are in full swing. He has an attitude when he can't get his way, but tries to get out of trouble by looking at us with his big blue eyes. He is becoming funnier and funnier every day. He is also learning to talk like crazy. We need to be careful what we say because he repeats everything now. He sure looks like his daddy!

Chris decided that he didn't like going to Boise State, so he decided to go to Brigham Young University- Idaho. Big change for him, but he loves the change. He is going to school for Business Management and someday he will graduate. Hopefully in about a year and a half we may be done. He is also working two jobs to pay bills. He is an awesome dad and loves to play with Ryan as much as he can.
He just turned 26 and I tease him a lot about being closer to 30.

I am the caregiver for these two wonderful people in my life. I am trying to find a job where I can take Ryan with me, but nothing so far, so I keep down the fort at home. I am trying to learn how to keep a very energized little boy in control and try to have many activities for him to do.

Well that is our family!


The Ranstroms said...

Well Bethany, You have a beautiful family and good job on the blog!!! I love these things. It's fun. trust me!
love, Holly

Wendy said...

I am so glad you joined the blog family!!! It really isn't that hard and the way I see it it really helps when I am trying to remember things... I can just look back on here...(as long as I write the things on here but that is another story) Happy valentine!! luv you

Liz Johnston said...

I don't know if you have tried but I know some ladies that were able to get jobs at their local gym in the playcenter and took their children with them.