Our little boy decided he wanted to come and be with us. It was kind of a crazy journey, but we are glad he is in our family. Since we got sent home from the hospital on Sat. I was determined not to go to the hospital to just be sent home again. So Sunday I was having contractions, but they were still not that close and would stop after I would lay down. Monday came and I was still having contractions, but decided to clean my house. It was nice to get that done. I think my nesting was kicking in. So Chris got home from work and said that we were going to go take Ryan to play on slides and then we were going to Walmart to walk this baby out. We walked through walmart for about 45 mins and nothing was really changing so we went home. That night I started to get them really hard and I didn't sleep at all. They were getting stronger and stronger, but they were still 6-7mins apart. I was told not to do anything until they were 3-5 mins apart. So finally at 5:30 a.m. I had had with it all and woke Chris up and we came downstairs to see how things go. I was in so much pain, so I called my mom and she said to call the dr. I called the answering service and said I thought I was in labor but didn't really know, she said to go to the hospital. I was not going to do that just to get sent home again. I thought I would just wait until my dr. appt. at 10 that morning. I took a bath to see if that would help and it didn't, so I called the dr and they said to come in asap. Getting everything together we got to the dr. office at about 9:15. My parents were there waiting for us to help with Ryan and to be there in case something was going to happen. I got checked and he said that I was at 7cm. I couldn't believe it, so off to the hospital we went. I got there and a nurse was supposed to come down and get me, but 10 mins later she still hadn't come so we just walked up there on our own. My dad took Ryan into the family waiting room while chris and my mom stayed with me. I got my epidural soon after that because they didn't know how fast I would go. That was the best thing in the world, I hadn't felt that good in months. After I got the drugs, my contractions had slowed down, so they put me on a little postosum to get them going again and we waited for the doctor to break my water. He came and broke my water and soon after that the nurse decided to check me and I was 10 cm. So the nurse had me push once and said that this baby was coming. Well there were two other women that were ready to give birth also. The dr. came in and I pushed twice and then he had to go deliver another women, so I just sat there and waited. Chris' parents had come and so I let his mom come in and be there. The dr. finally came back and another three pushes later he was here. It was great to finally have him and I got to hold him right after and he stayed with me the whole time. It was a lot different than Ryan, he had lots of things wrong so they showed him to me and then took him. It was nice to be able to hold Jackson and have everyone else see him. After I got done being cleaned up we just sat and talked with each other. My sister LaDawn came and took Ryan for the night. I got to my recovery room at about 5:00 and had an enjoyable night. I decided to come home the next day since I was fine and Jackson was fine, so we waited until he could go home around 2. I didn't want to stay since, Jackson stayed in my room with me all night, and I would rather be at home in my own bed. It was really fast and a way different experience than with Ryan. He is such a cute baby and sleeps all the time.
Sorry forgot stats of him
Jackson Christopher
7 pounds 21 inches long born at 1:55 p.m. on Feb 17th
He has dark brown hair and it was curly when he came out, but it isn't curly anymore.
I am way to tired tonight to post pictures so tomorrow morning I will do a whole post of pictures. Sorry!
Awesome! I can't believe you're already posting--glad we could see pics from your mom. I went home early after my 2nd 'cause I was feeling the same as you (anxious to get home)--then I regretted it once I was home--it was overwhelming! But you sound like you're doing great! Congrats to all of you! OH and I was dying that you were a 7 when you finally went to the hospital. WOW--good job!
yay!! i bet you are so glad to finally have that little man out of you! =) i can't wait for mine to come. lol. i can't wait to see more pictures. let me know if you need me to babysit ryan for you- i'm home all day, everyday.
Congratulations !
I'm happy for all of you that everything went so well.
Just enjoy this little guy now.
Best wishes,
Majo (Wendy's mom)
Welcome to the family little one! I can't wait to hold you in my arms and give you an aunt tylynn nuggle. Love you!
Congrats! He is so adorable!
That is so great that it went well. I am so happy that you got to hold Jackson right away. I didn't get to do that with Lexi because it was a C-Section delivery and I wished I could.
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